Almond Flour Waffles

Delicious and very freezable
Updated: April 2024

This recipe serves a family of 4 with freezable leftovers for another breakfast later. More specifically, it makes roughly 10 4x4 square waffles.

You’ll need: Almond flour, all-purpose flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, milk, 6! eggs, oil, vanilla, honey or sugar



Batter will be liquid-y

Undercook just a little if freezing for later, as seen in the header photo

Dry Ingredients

336g Almond Flour
120g All Purpose FlourOr White Whole Wheat
9g Salt
8g Baking Powder
3g Cinnamon

Wet Ingredients

2 cups Milk
6 Eggs
2 tbsp Canola OilCoconut and almond oils work as well
1 tbsp Vanilla
1 tbsp HoneyOr mix in a similar amount of sugar in the dry ingredients